Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC)

Latest News

Catch it in Cooperative Living

Check out the March edition Cooperative Living to find out about a Youth Writing Contest sponsored by NOVEC!

Rolling out a more user-friendly customer phone system

Starting Tuesday, April 16, customers calling NOVEC will hear a new, upgraded interactive menu.

Report Trees and Branches by Power Lines

Notice trees or branches getting too close to power lines? Let us know by filling out this form.

Products and Services

NOVEC is helping you save! Use these tips and tools to save energy and money.

Our Commitment to the Environment

NOVEC is distributing more renewable power today than ever before, and it is using energy more efficiently and helping customers to do the same. In all endeavors, from facility construction to office paper use, NOVEC keeps protection of the environment in mind.

We're Here to Help.

Facing financial hardships? Assistance is available.

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